If you read this blog, and clearly you do, you probably noticed that I didn’t publish a blog post last week *gasp.* “But Shir, you’re such a stickler for habits, and for following through on your commitments, blah blah yada yada.” That all may be true. However… And this is a particularly large however… It’s …
The Rise and Fall of my Intention Log
Every once in a while I start a new self-tracking habit that doesn’t quite work out for one reason or another. This post is dedicated to one such endeavor: the “Intention Log” which began on 9/29/13. My Intention Log was directly inspired by Mariel Hemingway (yes, the granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway). I saw her interview …
Accountability Partner: You Don’t Have One? Get One!
Last week we discussed how joining a group and sharing your personal goals can catapult your effectiveness into the stratosphere: Collective Inspiration, Meet Personal Accountability. This week I will share some of the specific benefits of meeting with my accountability partner Georges Janin, every week since December 2, 2012. So how did it come to …
Collective Inspiration, Meet Personal Accountability
What do you get when you combine Collective Inspiration with Personal Accountability? According to Bassam Tarazi, you get Colipera!, In his words, “Colipera is a free 4-week goal setting & execution methodology that allows *you* to lean on *us*; It’s the social virus for getting things done. Together, be better. Ready to get infected?” How …
NYC Subway + Tunnel Vision = Flow
For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi describes flow as “…a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning.” Thanks Wikipedia! And now back to our regularly scheduled programming… I know it goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: New York City is awesome! …