On March 11th, 2013 I began the 21 Day Perfect Health Meditation Challenge hosted by Deepak Chopra and Oprah. Why 21 days? Probably because popular belief dictates that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Apparently this idea originally came from anecdotal evidence in Maxwell Maltz’s self-help book Psycho Cybernetics. Personally I’ve found there …
The Universe is Whispering, Are You Listening?
If you’ve spent any time with me at all (yes, reading this blog counts…sort of) you’d know that Oprah Winfrey is one of my biggest role models. I aspire to achieve her level of success and share it with the rest of the world. My friends have even nicknamed me “Shoprah” as a result. Has …
How I Reach Inbox Zero in Under 5 Minutes Every Day
Now that you know that I do not check email from 12 pm – 9 pm every day, we can get to the specifics of how I actually process my email. A few months ago I started using the Mailbox App for my iPhone and iPad. I’m such a big fan that it has actually …
The Hidden Costs of Email Addiction and How I Finally Kicked the Habit
“Hi my name is Shir, and I’m an email-aholic.” At least, that’s what I would have said 3 months ago. Does any of this sound familiar? Just got out of the subway? Let me check my phone. Waiting in line at the grocery store? Maybe I’ve got a new message. Walking down the street in …
The Single Greatest Technique for Breaking Through Mental Roadblocks
Mindstorming, also called the 20 Idea Method, is a term that Brian Tracy developed to describe a slight variation of brainstorming. Start with a question/topic, and then write down the first 20 ideas that come to mind. No contemplating, no censoring, no pressure. Just write. Bassam Tarazi calls it the 5 Minute Exercise. For example, instead …