Costco’s brilliant maneuver

A few months ago I purchased a sweet wagon from Costco. Sadly, one of the wheels was misaligned, resulting in a jerky ride.

I gave up trying to fix it, when one day I noticed the same wagon on sale for $30 off. Not only was my wagon defective, but it was also $30 more expensive than a brand new one.

When I tried to return it, I was told it was outside the 90 days return window.

Fortunately, another Costco staff member walked by and VOLUNTEERED the following:

“Here’s what you do. You buy 2 new wagons, swap out the old one for a new one, and then return both for the maximum refund leaving you paying the discounted price instead of the full price.”

This guy went out of his way to give me the Costco cheat codes so I could have the best possible outcome.

Even though Costco lost money on this deal short-term, I would argue that long-term, they more than made up for it:

  1. I will shop at Costco more often, and spend more per visit.
  2. I will continue to sing Costco’s praises, which could bring them new customers, or have their existing customers shop there more often, and spend more per visit.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

So how does this apply to spreadsheets?

The way I see it, if you create spreadsheets, you are in the service industry. Whether you are creating a spreadsheet for a client, colleague, or other stakeholder, it is your responsibility to VOLUNTEER relevant information that will ensure the best possible outcome for them.

For example, that means if your client requests a specific data structure or format that will make it harder for them to access their data in the future – don’t stay quiet! Instead, channel your inner Costco energy, and volunteer a better approach that improves their experience both short-term and long-term.

Want some guidance on how to adopt this strategy to your current job or project? Drop me a line with the word “Costco” and we’ll take it from there.

#themfirst #bigpicture #winwin #volunteerinfo #excelwell #sharetheexcellove