Letting go & watching them grow

For almost an hour, I sat on the park bench and watched both my kids play in the sandbox with 2 new friends. No kicking, crying, or snatching. Instead, they shared a pale & shovel, made pretend food together, and I’m happy to report that nobody got sand in their eyes. Proud papa moment. A …

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Investigate cranky pants behavior

Over the past few days Amina has been exhibiting some “cranky pants” behavior. In other words, an irritable, irrational, and erratic presence. Even more than usual for a toddler. My main challenge is that she is not quite old enough to identify or articulate exactly what is bothering her. I suspect it has something to …

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Abbreviation etiquette

“Stum!” That’s what my son said to me, just like that, with no context. Any idea what he could have been talking about? Me neither, at first. Eventually I realized he meant “solar system,” referring to a video he wanted to watch. The challenge for me was that he was using an abbreviation with absolutely …

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Down the slide example

“The slide is too big for me.” Said my daughter Amina, at the top of the tallest slide in the playground. Up until this point, she had never gone down such a big slide by herself. 5 seconds later, my son Barak, who also never before went down a slide that size by himself, proceeded …

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