Now that you’re Constantly And Never-endingly Improving (CANI) your life, and determining how quickly you need to walk (or run) to catch your trains, we can get down to business. You are following along with everything so far, right? Perfect. Now, wanna hear something ironic? I’m going to go out on a limb here and …
Subways Have Schedules?!?
Have you ever left your home in a hurry, only to arrive at the train station and discover that your train doesn’t get there for another 8 minutes? I don’t know about you, but this was one of life’s little nuisances I was hoping to do without, thank you very much. Having grown up in …
Constant And Never-ending Improvement (CANI)
For those of you who don’t know Tony Robbins, stop what you’re doing (yes, that means reading this post) and familiarize yourself with his body of work. Great, now that that’s taken care of I can share how Tony Robbins helped start a chain reaction of self-tracking in my life. It began with the power …
New Habits
For several years I’ve put off creating a blog, fearing it would take too much of my time. However, after multiple conversations with internet savant maymay, I am convinced that this is the best use of my time. According to him, I need to start a never-ending conversation about Excel on the internet that consistently …