Never too old to explore & learn

It is nothing short of remarkable for me to see my kids constantly exploring their environment and learning non-stop. They instinctively push every boundary and test every limit to understand how things work. Whether it’s Barak playing with a bag of potatoes on the floor in the kitchen, or Amina forming a new & complex …

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Cranky pants and detective hats

Sometimes the only way to resolve a cranky pants situation with my kids (or my spreadsheets) is to put on my detective hat. I go step by step, isolate and test the variables, make small adjustments, and eventually solve the problem. Cranky pants for my kids usually happens after they’ve been in one place for …

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Avoid costly repairs

Today I dropped my car off at the shop for the very first time. There were no visible signs that anything was wrong with the car, so why did I bring it in? Sure, I love to be proactive and seek positive outcomes. However, I am EVEN MORE motivated to avoid negative outcomes, and I’m …

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Learn from falling

No matter how many times I tell Amina to slow down with slippery shoes, she will continue to run around. That is, until she falls down. For better or worse this is how I, and arguably most humans, learn best. I need that slight pain and discomfort to remind me to prevent certain mistakes from …

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