Find joy in practicing fundamentals

At the playground, my son Barak is once again on a loop. He is climbing up and down the steps, over and over again, and could not be more content in the process. It is beautiful to watch, and he is already showing signs of being my favorite kind of student – one who finds joy in practicing the fundamentals.

Once the fundamental skill of climbing up and down steps is mastered, Barak can easily leverage that skill to enjoy more advanced activities such as climbing up to and then going down the big slide. Super excited for him!

While not every student is built this way, I currently have a 1-on-1 Excel training client who is also exhibiting this same trait, and it is already serving him extremely well. For example, by mastering the building blocks of writing formulas he is able to apply those skills to an infinite number of possible calculations to solve his unique business problems. This approach will undoubtedly get him far in business and in life.

My hope for you is to not only practice the fundamentals, but actually find the joy in it. Doing so will help you continue to reap the benefits for the rest of your life of those fundamental skills.

P.S. Not even 10 seconds after filming this video Barak went all the way to the top of the playground structure, and went down the big slide. Thank you for proving my point Barak!

#practicefundamentals #babysteps #patiencepaysoff #parentwisdom #excelformulas #excelwell #sharetheexcellove

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